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学术报告:Microbial diversity shaping ecosystem functioning

【发布时间:2019-09-09 12:16:49  点击量:

报告题目:Microbial diversity shaping ecosystem functioning

报告人:Prof. Kim Yrjälä

报告时间:2019年9月10日(周二)上午9:30 - 12:00


报告人简介:Kim Yrjälä, PhD, Adjunct professor, University of Helsinki, Finland, Environmental microbiology

Master of Science, Biochemistry, Åbo Akademi (Åbo, Finland) 1982; PhD in microbiology, University of Helsinki 1997; Adjunct professor in environmental microbiology, University of Helsinki 2004;He has several publications in top ranked scientific journals in fields of Ecology, Microbiology, Environmental science and Soil science.

He is a Leader of Molecular Environmental Microbiology, MEM, research group,http://blogs.helsinki.fi/mem-group, Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki, The MEM-group studied environmentally and ecologically important phenomena in different ecosystems relying on DNA/RNA based methods in Microbial ecology.

报告内容:Microbes like bacteria, archaea and fungi all play their important roles in soil and water ecosystems. In microbial ecology their diversity is studied especially using DNA based methods to figure out who is there and what they are doing. The great challenge is to combine phylogeny with function. The talk will highlight microbial ecology work done with contaminated soils, pristine peatlands, forest soils, agricultural soils and plants.







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