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【发布时间:2012-10-29 00:00:00  点击量:


二、报 告 人:Jiaguo Qi,Ph.D.




Dr. Jiaguo Qi is Director of the Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, and Professor at Michigan State University's Department of Geography. Dr. Qi also serves as a Project Scientist for NASA's MAIRS (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Studies) program.

His research focuses on two areas: 1) Integrating biophysical and social processes and methods in understanding land use and land cover change and 2) Transforming data into information and knowledge.

Understanding the coupling of nature and human systems is important in global change research. The interactions between biophysical and social processes are intrinsically coupled but largely unknowns. To better understand the responses/feedbacks of the two coupled processes, Dr. Qi's research endeavor focuses on two fronts: 1) development of methodologies to quantify the linkages between them, and 2) development of geospatial tools to allow a quantification of spatio-temporal patterns and processes resulting from complex interactions between human and natural systems. Through research projects funded by different agencies including NASA, NSF, USDA, USAID, etc., he strives to use case studies in different parts of the world to understand the nature of the coupled nature-human systems. The geographic area of his research is global; with projects in North America, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, East and West Africa, South America, and Australia. His recent research attempts to integrate environmental and social sciences to investigate the consequences of the socioeconomic reform on land degradation in China and climate change impact on human systems in East Africa. (http://globalchange.msu.edu/qi.html







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