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【发布时间:2013-06-13 00:00:00  点击量:

报告题目:Effects of climate change and land-cover change on terrestrial carbon dynamics at multiple spatial scales: experiments and simulation modeling

报告人:Hua Chen (陈华) associate professor(with tenure)




Dr. Chen is an associate professor (with tenure) in Department of Biology, University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS). Dr. Chen’s research interests concentrate on ecosystem ecology, global change ecology, and restoration ecology. Chen has published about FOURTY-FOUR peer-reviewed journal articles. Most of his research papers were published in prestigious journals including Diversity and Distribution, Ecosystems, Global Change Biology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Plant and Soil, Canadian Journal of Forest Research etc.

Dr. Chen has served the Vice-President for Midwest-Great Lakes SER (Society for Ecological Restoration) Chapter. Dr. Chen is also serving the Editor Board for the Acta Ecologica Sinica (生态学报), the online Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography and ISRN Soil Science. Since fall 2006, Dr. Chen reviewed 23 manuscripts for 18 different journals including Biological Invasion, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Forest Ecology and Management, Global Change Biology, Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research—Biogeosciences, Plant and Soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry,etc. Dr. Chen was invited to serve as the committee panel to review the proposals of the Ecology and Forestry program of the National Natural and Science Foundation of China (中国国家自然科学基金 生态学科和林学学科重点和面上基金海外评委) in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2013.





下一条:加拿大太平洋林业中心Caroline M. Preston研究员学术讲座


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