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【发布时间:2022-09-06 09:14:17  点击量:

王嘉林,女,讲师,2022年6月毕业于中国科学院大学,获植物营养学博士学位。主要研究方向为酸性土壤微生物与植物互作,主要从土壤养分转化、植物营养吸收、土壤微生物生态等方面探究酸性土壤上作物增产的机制。相关科研成果在Science of The Total Environment、Applied Soil Ecology、Journal of Soils and Sediments、Frontiers in Microbiology、生态学杂志等国内外刊物上发表。主持国家自然基金1项。






1.Wang JL,Liu KL, Zhao XQ, Zhang HQ, Li D, Li JJ, Shen RF. Balanced fertilization over four decades has sustained soil microbial communities and improved soil fertility and rice productivity in red paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment: 2021, 793: 148664.

2.Wang JL., Zhao XQ,Zhang HQ, Shen RF. The preference of maize plants for nitrate improves fertilizer N recovery efficiency in an acid soil partially because of alleviated Al toxicity. Journal of Soils and Sediments: 2021, 21: 3019-3033.

3.Wang JL, Liu KL, Zhao XQ, Gao GF, Wu YH, Shen RF. Microbial keystone taxa drive crop productivity through shifting aboveground-belowground mineral element flows. Science of the Total Environment: 2022, 811: 152342.

4.Wang JL, Xiao X, Hu AY, Shen RF, Zhao XQ. Yield gap of rice genotypes under N and P deficiencies: Evidence from differential recruitment of bacterial keystone taxa in the rhizosphere. Applied Soil Ecology: 2023, 184: 104791.

5.Xiao X,Wang JL, Li JJ, Dai XJ, Shen RF, Zhao XQ. Distinct patterns of rhizosphere microbiota associated with rice genotypes differing in aluminum tolerance in an acid sulfate soil. Frontiers in microbiology, 2022, 13.

6.Dai XJ,Wang JL, Xiao X, Dong XY, Shen RF, Zhao XQ. Aluminum-Tolerant Wheat Genotype Changes Root Microbial Taxa and Nitrogen Uptake According to Soil pH Levels and Nitrogen Rates. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2023, 23: 1360-1373.

7.Li JJ, Zhao XQ,Wang JL, Shen RF. Strategies of cadmium and copper uptake and translocation in different plant species growing near an E-waste dismantling site at Wenling, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 2021, 28: 62562-62571.

8.Zhang HQ, Zhao XQ, Chen YL,Wang JL, Shen RF. Improved root growth by liming aluminum-sensitive rice cultivar or cultivating an aluminum-tolerant one does not enhance fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency in an acid paddy soil. Plants: 2020, 9: 765.









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