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您当前的位置: bwin必赢唯一官方网站 - 师资队伍 - 在职教师 - 硕士生导师 - 环境科学与工程学科 - 正文


【发布时间:2019-09-11 09:32:54  点击量:

欧阳达,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,获中国科学院大学南京土壤研究所博士学位。现担任bwin必赢(中国)唯一官方网站-(中国)专任教师,承担本科生《土壤污染修复原理与技术》《土壤污染修复原理与技术课程设计》等课程。主要从事土壤污染修复与风险管控、、高级氧化技术及纳米铁炭材料研发、微塑料环境化学行为研究,以第一或通讯作者在Chemical Engineering Journal,Science of the Total Environment,Chemosphere等国际主流学术刊物上发表SCI学术论文10余篇,合作出版专著1部。






1.Ouyang D.,Wu R., Xu Z.J., Zhu X.M., Cai Y.M., Chen R., Zhu C., Barceló D., Zhang, H.B. Efficient degradation of Bisphenol A by Fe3+/Fe2+cycle activating persulfate with the assistance of biochar-supported MoO2.Chemical Engineering Journal,2023, 455: 140381.

2.Ouyang D.,Peng Y.F., Li B.C., Shao F.L., Li K.N., Cai Y.M., Guo T., Zhang, H.B. Microplastic formation and simultaneous release of phthalic acid esters from residual mulch film in soil through mechanical abrasion.Science of the Total Environment,2023, 893: 164821.

3.Yu B., Zhao T., Gustave W., Li B.C., Cai Y.M.,Ouyang D.,Guo T., Zhang, H.B. Do microplastics affect sulfamethoxazole sorption in soil? Experiments on polymers, ionic strength and fulvic acid.Science of the Total Environment,2023, 860: 160221.

4. Huang S.Y., Guo T., Feng Z., Li B.L., Cai Y.M.,Ouyang D.,Gustave W., Ying C.F., Zhang H.B. Polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride microplastics promote soil nitrification and alter the composition of key nitrogen functional bacterial groups,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2023, 453: 131391.

5.Ouyang D.,Chen, Y., Yan, J.C., Qian, L.B., Han,L., Chen, M.F.,Activation mechanism of peroxymonosulfate by biochar for catalytic degradation of 1,4-dioxane: Important role of biochar defect structures. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 370: 614-624.

6.Ouyang D.,Chen, Y., Chen R.H., Zhang W.Y. Yan J.C., Gu M.Y., Li j., Zhang H.B., Chen M.F. Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by biochar activating peroxymonosulfate under continuous flow conditions,Science of the Total Environment,2022,809: 151929.

7.Ouyang D.,Yan, J.C., Qian, L.B., Chen, Y., Han,L., Su, A.Q., Zhang, W.Y., Ni, H., Chen, M.F. Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by biochar supported nano magnetite particles activating persulfate.Chemosphere,2017, 184: 609-617.

8. Chen Y.,Ouyang D.,Zhang, W.Y., Yan, J.C., Qian, L.B., Han, L., Chen, M.F. Degradation of benzene derivatives in the CuMgFe-LDO/persulfate system: The role of the interaction between the catalyst and target pollutants.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2020, 90: 87-97.

9. Zhang, W.Y., Qian, L.B.,Ouyang D.,Chen, Y., Han, L., Chen, M.F. Effective removal of Cr(VI) byattapulgite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron from aqueous solution: Enhanced adsorption and crystallization.Chemosphere,2019, 221: 683-692.

10. Chen, Y., Yan, J.C.,Ouyang D.,Qian, L.B., Han, L., Chen, M.F. Heterogeneously catalyzed persulfate by CuMgFe layereddouble oxide for the degradation of phenol.Applied Catalysis A: General,2017, 538: 19-26.

11. Yan, J.C., Chen, Y., Qian, L.B.,Ouyang D.,Gao, W.G., Chen, M.F. Heterogeneously catalyzed persulfate with a CuMgFe layered double hydroxide for the degradation of ethylbenzene.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017, 338: 372-380.

12.欧阳达,谭长银,余霞,孙花,万大娟,杨燕,曹雪莹.湘江长沙段土壤和沉积物重金属污染模糊评价及污染源分析.湖南师范大学自然科学学报, 2014, 37(5): 1-7.

13.王腾飞,谭长银,曹雪莹,欧阳达,聂军,王伯仁,何其辉,梁玉峰.长期施肥对土壤重金属积累和有效性的影响.农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36(2): 257-236.










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