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【发布时间:2024-02-29 10:16:39  点击量:

陈信力,教授、国家级人才、浙江农林大学国家重点实验室PI、加拿大班廷学者、博士生导师。加拿大湖首大学博士、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士后、美国密西根大学交换学者。长期从事生物多样性与土壤生态系统功能之间关系的研究。研究成果已发表期刊学术论文40余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature、Nature Sustainability、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Nature Communications、ScienceAdvance、Global Change Biology和Soil Biology & Biochemistry等国际著名期刊上发表论文19篇。获得加拿大土壤学会首届杰出青年学者奖、美国生态学会亚洲协会颁发的”青年生态学家奖”和中华海外生态学者协会最佳论文奖。目前担任Ecosystem Health and Sustainability和Forestry Research等期刊编委,并多次为Nature、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Trends in Ecology & Evolution、Nature Communications等期刊审稿。招生方向为农业资源与环境博士、农业资源与环境硕士以及资源利用与植物保护硕士。





(2) Alberta Conservation Association,国外项目, Soil carbon sequestration potential in agroforestry systems in central alberta, 2022-04至2023-08, 15万元,主持

(3) Rangeland Research Institute,国外项目, Do defoliation intensity and time since defoliation affect plant carbon transfer and soil carbon accumulation?, 2022-04至2025-03, 25万元,主持

(4) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,国外项目, The role of tree species diversity in mitigating negative impacts of reduced water availability in boreal forests: Patterns and mechanisms, 2019-04至2023-03, 137.5万元,参与


1.Hisano, M.*,Ghazoul, J.,Chen, X.*,Chen H.Y.H.Functional diversity enhances dryland forest productivity under long-termclimate change(2024).Science advance(accepted).

2.Sun, Y.*, Chen, X.*Phosphorus fertilization enhances terrestrial carbon cycling in phosphorus-deficient ecosystems(2024).Journal of Environmental Management351, 119941.

3.Sun, Y.*, Chen, X.*Asymmetric effects of precipitation changes on soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in a poplar plantation(2024).Environmental Research241, 117565.

4.Chen, X., Thomas, B.R., Pattison, S., An, Z., andChang, S.X.*Pulp mill biosolids mitigate soil greenhouse gas emissions from applied urea and improve soil fertility in a hybrid poplar plantation(2023).Journal of Environmental Management344, 118474.

5.Chen, X., Taylor, A.R., Reich, P.B., Hisano, Chen, H.Y.H.*, andChang, S.X.*Tree diversity increases decadal forest soil carbon and nitrogen accrual(2023).Nature618, 94-101

6.Chen, X.,Chen, H.Y.H., Chang, S.X.*Meta-analysis shows that plant mixtures increase soil phosphorus availability and plant productivity in diverse ecosystems (2022).Nature Ecology & Evolution6,1112–1121

7.Chen, X.*&Chen, H.Y.H. Foliar nutrient resorption dynamics of trembling aspen and white birch during secondary succession in the boreal forest of central Canada (2022).ForestEcology and Management505, 119876

8.Chen, X.*,Hisano, M.,Taylor, A. R.,Chen, H.Y.H. The effects of functional diversity and identity (acquisitive versus conservative strategies) on soil carbon stocks are dependent on environmental contexts (2022).ForestEcology and Management503, 119820.

9.Chen, X.&Chen, H.Y.H.*Plantmixturebalances terrestrial ecosystem C:N:P stoichiometry (2021).Nature Communications12, 4562.

10.Chen, X.,Chen, H.Y.H.*, Peng, S., Chen, C.Water availability regulates tree mixture effects on soil respiration and its components: a three‐year field experiment(2021).Geoderma402,115259.

11.Chen, X.,Chen, H.Y.H.*, Searle, E.B.,Chen, C., Reich, P.B. Negative to positive shifts in diversity effects on soil nitrogen over time (2021).Nature Sustainability4 (3), 225-232.

12.Chen, X.,Chen, H.Y.H.*, Chen, C., Ma, Z., Searle, E.B., Yu, Z.,Huang,Z. Effects of plant diversity on soil carbon in diverse ecosystems: a global meta-analysis (2020).Biological Reviews, 95.

13.Chen, X. & Chen, H.Y.H.*Plant diversity loss reduces soil respiration across terrestrial ecosystems(2019).Global Change Biology, 25, 1482-1492.

14.Chen, X.,Chen, H.Y.H.*, Chen, C., Peng, S. Water availability regulates negative species mixture effects on soil microbial biomass(2019). Soil Biology & Biochemistry,139.

15.Wang, D.,Chen, X., Chen, HYH., Olatunji, O.A., Guan, Q.*Contrasting effects of thinning on soil CO2 emission and above- and belowground carbon regime under a subtropical Chinese fir plantation(2019).Science of the Total Environment690:361-369. (co-first author)

16.Chen, X. & Chen, H.Y.H.*Global effects of plant litter alterations on soil CO2to the atmosphere(2019).Global Change Biology, 24, 3462-3471.



2.美国生态学会亚洲协会颁发的“青年生态学家奖” 2023




6.加拿大安大略省省延龄草奖学金(160,000加元) 2015-2019






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