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【发布时间:2021-12-15 12:10:47  点击量:

支裕优,男,2017年6月毕业于浙江大学,获土壤学博士学位,现为bwin必赢(中国)唯一官方网站-(中国)教师。主要研究方向为土壤重金属污染来源解析。相关科研成果在Environmental Pollution, Journal of Soils and Sediments等国际刊物上发表。


Yang Shiyan, He Mingjiang,ZhiYuyou, Chang Scott X., Gu Baojing, Liu Xingmei, Xu Jianming. An integrated analysis on source-exposure risk of heavy metals in agricultural soils near intense electronic waste recycling activities. Environment International, 2019,133:105239.

Zhang Man,ZhiYuyou, Shi Jiachun, Wu Laosheng. Apportionment and uncertainty analysis of nitrate sources based on the dual isotope approach and a Bayesian isotope mixing model at the watershed scale. Science of The Total Environment, 2018,639:1175-1187.

ZhiYuyou, Guo Tiantian, Shi Jiachun, Zeng Lingzao, Wu Laosheng. Expressing lead isotopic compositions by fractional abundances for environmental source apportionment. Environmental Pollution, 2016,218:446-452.

ZhiYuyou, Li Peng, Shi Jiachun, Zeng Lingzao, Wu Laosheng. Source identification and apportionment of soil cadmium in cropland of Eastern China: a combined approach of models and geographic information system. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016,16(2):467-475.





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