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陈希娟,博士,教授。2007年硕士毕业于德国杜伊斯堡-艾森大学,2012年博士毕业于丹麦奥尔堡大学,2013年进入中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所工作,2019年任中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,中国科学院污染生态与环境生态工程研究中心副主任,中国科学院污染生态与环境工程重点实验室副主任。2012-2022年间曾经在美国田纳西大学、美国阿贡国家实验室、德国联邦作物和土壤科学研究所访问交流。长期从事环境有机污染物环境归趋、迁移转化、数学模拟等等方面的科研工作,主持国家级项目包括国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金、国家重大计划项目水专项子课题,主持中国科学院先导B项目子课题、中国科学院青促会人才项目、辽宁省创新计划项目等省部级项目,参与完成项目包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、中国科学院国际人才项目、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项、德国联邦经济技术部重点项目、丹麦技术和生产研究理事会基金项目等。目前已发表SCI论文40余篇,申请专利6项,软件著作权一项,辽宁省团体标准一项。国家留学基金委“优秀自费留学生”,中国科学院青年创新促进会人才、辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才、领军人才。现任中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会副主任,Frontiers in Environmental Science副主编,Frontiers in Microbiology特邀主编,《生态环境学报》青年编委。









1.Chen FX., Zhou B., Yang LQ.,Chen XJ*, Zhuang J. 2024. Annual atrazine residue estimation in Chinese agricultural soils by intergrated modeling of machine learning and mechanism-based models. Journal of Hazardous Materials(JCR: Q1, IF: 13.6)2024, accepted

2.Chen FX., Yang LQ.,Chen XJ*, Zhuang J*.Estimating bacterial breakthrough behaviors based on bacterial retention profiles in porous media. Soil Science Society of America Journal(JCR: Q3, IF: 2.9)2024 accepted.


4.Chen FX., Zhou B., Yang LQ.,Chen XJ*, Zhuang J. Predicting bacterial transport through saturated porous media using an automated machine learning model.Frontiers in Microbiology(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.8)2023, 14, 1152059


6.Chen XJ., Dai YY., Zhao MY., Loeffler FE., Zhuang J. Hydrobiological Mechanism Controlling the Synergistic Effects of Unsaturated Flow and Soil Organic Matter on the Degradation of Emerging Organic Contaminants in Soils.Environmental Science & Technology(JCR: Q1, IF: 11.4)2022,56, 11409 - 11417

7.Chen XJ., Yang LQ., Guo JJ., Xu Shuang., Di JZ.*, Zhuang J*. Interactive removal of bacterial and viral particles during transport through low-cost filtering materials.Frontiers in Microbiology(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.8)2022, 970338

8.Li Y., Zhuang J., Essington M., Bester K., Hazen T.,Chen XJ*.Effects of birnessite on adsorption and transport of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in porous media,Frontiers in Environmental Science(JCR: Q2, IF: 4.5)2021, 9:793587

9.Hu EZ, Yuan HB, Du YC*,Chen XJ*.LDPE and HDPE Microplastics Differently Affect the Transport of Tetracycline in Saturated Porous Media.Materials(JCR: Q3, IF: 3.4)2021, 14, 1757

10.王瑞琦,杨立琼,庄杰,石亚楠,陈希娟*。低成本材料对病毒ΦX174在土壤中迁移的影响。生态学杂志2021, 40(11): 3751-3759

11.Dai YY., Zhuang J.,Chen XJ.*Transport of PPCPs in unsaturated soil: The role of water content and soil organic matter.Environmental Research(JCR: Q1, IF: 8.4)2020, 191, 110135

12.Hu EZ., Shang SY., Fu ZT., Zhao X., Nan XL., Du YC.,Chen XJ.*Cotransport of naphthalene with nanoplastics (NPs) in saturated porous media: Effect of NPs/Naphthalene ratio and ionic strength.Chemosphere(JCR: Q1, IF: 8.8)2020, 245: 125602

13.Xing YN., Chen X., Wagner RE., Zhuang J.,Chen XJ.*Coupled Effect of Colloids and Surface Chemical Heterogeneity on the Transport of Antibiotics in Porous Media.Science of the total Environment(JCR: Q1, IF: 10.8)2020, 713: 136644

14.李仁杰,杨立琼,庄杰,石亚楠,陈希娟*.有机质和团聚体对双酚A迁移行为的影响.生态学杂志2020, 39(12): 4148-4156。

15.Tong DL., Zhuang J., Lee J., Buchanan J.,Chen XJ.*Concurrent transport and removal of nitrate, phosphate and pesticides in low-cost metal- and carbon-based materials.Chemosphere(JCR: Q1, IF: 8.8)2019, 230: 84-91

16.Tong DL., Zhuang J.,Chen XJ.*Reactive Transport and Removal of Nutrients and Pesticides in Engineered Porous Media. Water(JCR: Q2, IF: 3.4)2019, 11, 1316: 1-17


1.Liu WP, Yang LQ,Chen XJ, Ripp S, Radosevich MA, Zhuang J. Depth-specific transport of bacteriophages MS2 and ΦX174 in intact soils. Soil and Tillage Research 2023, 228, 105650

2.Chen J., Yang LQ.*,Chen XJ., Ripp S., Radosevich M., Zhuang J.* Bacterial mobility facilitated by soil depth and intact structure.Soil &Tillage Research(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.4)2021, 209:104911

3.Yang LQ., Kang J.,Chen XJ., Ripp SA., Johnson WP*., Zhuang J*. Real-time Bioluminescent Imaging of Spatiotemporal Variation of Microbial Retention during Transport through Porous Media under Variably Saturated Flow Conditions.Journal of Hydrology(JCR: Q1, IF: 6.4)2021, 601, 126603

4.Sun HH., Lee J.,Chen XJ., Zhuang J*.Estimating Soil Water Retention for Wide Ranges of Pressure Head and Bulk Density Based on a Fractional Bulk Density Concept.Scientific Reportes(JCR: Q2, IF: 5.1)2020, 10:16666.

5.Bolem E., Gerighausen H.,Chen XJ., Schnug E. Possibility to identify Glyphosate Application to Agricultural Fields by Spectral Images.Agronomy(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.4)2020, accepted.

6.Xu S., Shen CY., Zhang XY.,Chen XJ., Radosevich M., Wang SQ., Zhuang J.* Mobility of Cellulose Nanocrystals in Porous Media: Effects of Ionic Strength, Iron Oxides, and Soil Colloids.Nanomaterials(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.4)2020, 10(2):348

7.Yang LQ,Chen XJ,Zeng XF, Radosevich M, Ripp S, Zhuang J and Sayler GS. Surface-Adsorbed Contaminants Mediate the Importance of Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis for Bacterial Transport Through Soils.Frontiers in Microbiology(JCR: Q1, IF: 7.8)2019, 10: 2691

8.Li Q.,Chen XJ., Chen X., Jin Y., Removal of cadmium from soil by fulvic acid-aided hydroxyapatite nanofluid.Chemosphere(JCR: Q1, IF: 8.8)2019, 215: 227-233

9.Xu S.,Chen XJ., Zhuang J*.Opposite influences of mineral-associated and dissolved organic matter on the transport of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles through soil and aggregates.Environmental Research(JCR: Q1, IF: 8.4)2019, 171:153-160

10.Li Y., Shi YN.,Chen XJ., Zhuang J. Effect of manganese dioxide on adsorption and transport of fluoroquinoline antibiotics in porous media (in chinese).Chinese Journal of Ecology2019, 38(6):1830-1838.

11.李叶,石亚楠,陈希娟,庄杰*,二氧化锰对氟喹诺酮类抗生素在多孔介质中吸附和迁移的影响,生态学杂志,2019, 38(6):1830-1838.


1.Ewald Schnug,Xijuan Chen, Zhuang Jie, and Silvia Haneklaus.Chapter 7 Silent Alienation of Soils through Microplastics in the Anthropocene –A Constraint for Soil Productivity?《Soil Constraints and Productivity》Edited by N.S. Bolan and M.B. Kirkham. First edition published 2023, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 9780367554392 (hbk), ISBN: 9781032472027 (pbk), ISBN: 9781003093565 (ebk). DOI: 10.1201/9781003093565






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