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【发布时间:2019-03-07 22:22:10  点击量:

唐荣贵,男,博士,硕导,特设副教授,获中国科学院南京土壤研究所博士学位。现担任bwin必赢(中国)唯一官方网站-(中国)专任教师,承担本科生《土壤学》《环境管理学》课程。主要从事土壤动物介导的土壤碳氮循环研究和新型污染物对蚯蚓的生态毒理研究,以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、Biology and Fertility of Soils、Plant and Soil等国际主流学术刊物上发表SCI学术论文10余篇。荣获“优秀本科班主任”、“四川省优秀毕业生”、中国科学院大学“三好学生”、“博士、硕士研究生国家奖学金”等荣誉。指导本科生获全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖,指导本科生主持“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目”“浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目”以及多项校级创新训练项目。担任中国土壤学会青年工作委员会创新委员,Biology and Fertility of Soils、Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology、Science of the Total Environment、Applied Soil Ecology, Ecological Indicators、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、Environmental Chemistry Letters等多个SCI期刊审稿人。










1.TangRG, Zhu D, LuoYM, HeDF, ZhangHB, AliEI-Naggar, KumuduniNP, ChenKY, YanY, LuXH, YingMS, SunT, CaoYT, DiaoZH, ZhangYX, LianYC, ChangSX*, CaiYJ. Nanoplastics induce molecular toxicity in earthworm: Integrated multi-omics, morphological, and intestinal microorganism analyses.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 442, 130043.

2. Chen KY#,Tang RG#, Luo YM, Chen YC, Ali EN, Du JH, Bu AA, Yan Y, Lu XH, Cai YJ*, Chang SX, Transcriptomic and metabolic responses of earthworms to contaminated soil with polypropylene and polyethylene microplastics at environmentally relevant concentrations.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 427(2): 128176.(指导本科生论文)

3.Tang RG#,Du ZY#, Zhu GD, Fang YY, Ali EN, Singh BP, Cai YJ*, Chang SX, Yak dung pat fragmentation decreases yield-scaled growing-season nitrous oxide emissions in an alpine steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2021, 57(8):1103-1115.

4.Tang RG,ThomasHD, Cai YJ*, Sun SQ, Luo J*, Long-term decomposition dynamics of broadleaf litters across a climatic gradient on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China.Plant and Soil. 2021, 465:403-414.

5. Cai YJ,Tang RG, Tian LL, Chang SX, Environmental impacts of livestock excreta under increasing livestock production and management considerations: Implications for developing countries.Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 2021, 24:100300.

6.Tang RG, Lan P, Ding CF, Wang JS, Zhang TL, Wang XX*,A new perspective on the toxicity of arsenic-contaminated soil: tandem mass tag proteomics and metabolomics in earthworms.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 398:122825.

7.Tang RG*, Li XG, Mo YL, Ma YB, Ding CF, Wang JS*, Zhang TL, Wang XX*,Toxic responses of metabolites, organelles and gut microorganisms ofEisenia fetidain a soil with chromium contamination.Environmental Pollution. 2019, 251:910-920.

8.Tang RG, Ding CF, Ma YB, Wang JS, Zhang TL, Wang XX*, Main controlling factors and forecasting models of low level lead contaminated soils based on accumulation of earthworms.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018,25(23):23117-23124.

9.Tang RG, Ding CF, Dang F, Ma YB, Wang JS, Zhang TL, Wang XX*, NMR-based metabolic toxicity of low level Hg exposure to earthworms.Environmental Pollution, 2018, 239:428-437.

10.Tang RG, Ding CF, Ma YB, Wang JS*, Zhang TL, Wang XX*, Metabolic responses ofEisenia Fetidato individual Pb and Cd contamination in two types of soils.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):131110.

11.Tang RG, Ding CF, Ma YB, Wang JS, Zhang TL, Wang XX*, Time-dependent responses of earthworms to soil contaminated with low levels of lead as detected using1H NMR metabolomics.RSC Advances, 2017, 7(54): 34170-34181.

12. Luo J,Tang RG*, Sun SQ, Yang DD, She J, Yang PJ. Lead distribution and possible sources along vertical zone spectrum of typical ecosystems in the Gongga Mountain, eastern Tibetan Plateau.Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 115: 132-140.

13.Tang RG, Wang HM*, Luo J, Sun SQ, Gong YW, She J, Chen YC, Yang DD, Zhou J. Spatial distribution and temporal trends of mercury and arsenic in remote timberline coniferous forests, eastern of the Tibet Plateau, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(15):11658-11668.

14.Tang RG, Luo J*,She J, Chen YC, Yang DD, Zhou J. The cadmium and lead of soil in timberline coniferous forests, eastern Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015,73(1):303-310.

15.Tang RG, Luo J*, Yang PJ, She J, Chen YC, Gong YW, Zhou J. Trace metals of needles and litter in timberline forests in the Eastern of Tibetan Plateau, China.Ecological Indicators,2014, 45:669-676.

16. Luo J,Tang RG*, She J, Chen YC, Gong YW, Zhou J. The chromium in timberline forests in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts, 2013, 15(10): 1930-1937.










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