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【发布时间:2024-05-14 09:56:45  点击量:

李敦柱,博士,教授。国家级人才。2015年硕士毕业于清华大学环境学院(2014-15年期间曾在日本京都大学交流访问),2019年博士毕业于圣三一大学(Trinity College Dublin,2023年QS全球大学排名81位)工程学院。近3年以通讯作者或第一作者发表SCI论文14篇,含Nature子刊《Nature Food》,环境顶刊《Environmental Science and Technology》。主持2项国家级项目,1项农业与食品部项目(爱尔兰)。荣获国际奖项2项:国际先进材料协会2023年度科学家,国际花园大赛金银奖(Silver Gilt Award)。研究成果被爱尔兰国家自然基金委(SFI)评为年度卓越科研进展(2022年度),受邀向爱尔兰总理Leo Varadkar展示,并被中央电视台,The Guardian (英国卫报)等主流媒体广泛报道。现为国际期刊Eco-Environment & Health青年编委,同时担任多个学术期刊客座编辑。主要研究方向为生态环境中塑料/微塑料精确检测,降解机理与控制措施研究;先进电化学技术应用于环境污染治理与可持续发展。期待有责任心、有学术理想的你加入团队,拒绝PUA,拥抱纯粹科研。



主要讲授的研究生英语课程有:《Waste Management and Energy Recovery》等。



2.3D打印耦合燃料电池技术应用于污水资源化处理,国家企业家基金(Enterprise Ireland),2021-2024,主持;


4.增强拉曼技术用于水体微污染物快速检测,国家企业家基金(Enterprise Ireland),2020-2023,参与;





1. Y. S.,Dunzhu Li*(通讯作者)et al., Micro and nano plastics release from a single absorbable suture into simulated body fluid.Journal of hazardous materials466, 133559 (2024).(1区;IF=13.6)

2.Dunzhu Li,Y. Shi, L. Yang, L. Xiao, D.K. Kehoe, Y.K. Gun’ko, J.J. Boland, J.J. Wang, Microplastic release from the degradation of polypropylene feeding bottles during infant formula preparation,Nature Food, 2020.(1区;IF=21.0)

3.Dunzhu Li, E. Sheerin, Y. Shi, L. Xiao, L. Yang, J.J. Boland, J.J. Wang, Alcohol pre-treatment to eliminate the interference of micro additive particles in the identification of microplastics using Raman spectroscopy,Environmental Science and Technology, 2022.(1区;IF=11.4)

4.Dunzhu Li, Y. Shi, F. Gao, L. Yang, D.K. Kehoe, L. Romeral, Y.K. Gun'ko, M.G. Lyonsa, J.J. Wang, D. Mullarkey, I.V. Shvets, L. Xiao, Characterising and control of ammonia emission in microbial fuel cells,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020.(1区;IF=16.7)

5.Dunzhu Li.; Sun, Y.; Shi, Y.; Wang, Z.; Okeke, S.; Yang, L.; Zhang, W.; Xiao, L., Structure evolution of air cathodes and their application in electrochemical sensor development and wastewater treatment.Science of The Total Environment2023, 161689.(1区;IF=10.8)

6.Dunzhu Li, Shi, Y.; Wang, Z.; Gao, F.; Yang, L.; Sun, Y.; Xiao, L., Characterising operational performance and oxygen crossover of the low-cost cylindrical cathode in microbial fuel cells.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023.(1区;IF=8.0)

7. Wang, Z.;Dunzhu Li*(通讯作者).; Shi, Y.; Sun, Y.; Okeke, S. I.; Yang, L.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Z.; Shi, Y.; Xiao, L., Recent Implementations of Hydrogel-Based Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) in Sensing Applications.Sensors2023, 23, (2), 641.

8.Dunzhu Li,Y. Shi, F. Gao, L. Yang, S. Li, L. Xiao,Understanding the current plummeting phenomenon in microbial fuel cells (MFCs),Journal of Water Process Engineering,2021.(1区;IF=7.3)

9.Dunzhu Li, Y. Shi, Y. Sun, Z. Wang, D. K. Kehoe, L. Romeral, F. Gao, L. Yang, D. McCurtin, Y.K. Gun’ko, M.E.G. Lyons, L. Xiao, Microbe-Based Sensor for Long-Term Detection of Urine Glucose,Sensors22(14) (2022) 5340.

10.Dunzhu Li, L. Yang, R. Kavanagh, L. Xiao, Y. Shi, D.K. Kehoe, E.D. Sheerin, Y.K. Gun’ko, J.J. Boland, J.J. Wang, Sampling, identification and characterization of microplastics release from polypropylene baby feeding bottle during daily use,JoVE, 2021.


1. W. Zhang, L. Qi,Dunzhu Li, L. Xiao, A kinetic model for porosity evaluation in Fe (0) mixed material-based sequential groundwater remediation,Science of The Total Environment908 (2024) 168507.

2. Y. Shi, L. Shi, H. Huang, K. Ye, L. Yang, Z. Wang, Y. Sun,Dunzhu Li, Y. Shi, L. Xiao, Analysis of aged microplastics: a review,Environmental Chemistry Letters(2024) 1-28.

3.B.C. O’Kelly, A. El-Zein, X. Liu, A. Patel, X. Fei, S. Sharma, A. Mohammad, V.S.N.S. Goli, J.J. Wang,Dunzhu Li,Y. Shi, L. Xiao, G. Kuntikana, B.S. Shashank, T.S. Sarris, B.H. Rao, A.M.O. Mohamed, E.K. Paleologos, M.M. Nezhad, D.N. Singh, Microplastics in soils: An environmental geotechnics perspective,Environmental Geotechnics,2021.

4. V.S.N.S. Goli, P.E. K, F. Arvin, M.A.-M. O, O.K.B. C, E.G.M. M, V.M. Daria, J. Ning-Jun, W.J. Jing, X. Liwen, S. Prithvendra, H. Xiao-Le, S. Yunhong, L.Dunzhu Li, S. Amit, K.S. Lalitha, S. Yashi, M. Arif, S.D. Narain, Extraction and Characterization of Microplastics from Organic Solid Matrices and their Remediation,Environmental Geotechnics, 2022.

5. B. Zhao, A. Liu, G. Wu,Dunzhu Li,Y. Guan, Characterization of heavy metal desorption from road-deposited sediment under acid rain scenarios.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017.

6. A. Liu,Dunzhu Li,L. Liu, Y. Guan, Understanding the role of urban road surface characteristics in influencing stormwater quality.Water Resources Management, 2014.

7. A. Liu, L. Liu,Dunzhu Li,Y. Guan, Characterizing heavy metal build-up on urban road surfaces: implication for stormwater reuse.Science of The Total Environment,2015.

8. L. Liu, A. Liu,Dunzhu Li, L. Zhang, Y. Guan, Characterizing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon build-up processes on urban road surfaces.Environmental Pollution, 2016.


1.欧洲专利Coating material surfaces to prevent particle generation. Patent No. 20195173.8-1105 (issued at 2020.11.27)

2.专著:Investigation into the Causes, Impacts and Measures to Deal with Algal Blooms in Vartry Reservoir. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, 2021, ISBN: 2014-W-MS-18 (主编)



2.国际花园大赛金银奖(Silver Gilt Medal),获奖,爱尔兰农业与食品部,2019年8月

3.2023年度青年科学家,国际先进材料协会(International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden),2023年12月

4.国际学术会议最佳报告,中爱资源能源协会(ICAERE, Ireland Chinese Association of Environment, Resources & Energy),2017年5月






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