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王杰,1992年生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。2021年12月博士毕业于南京农业大学,2022年1月至2023年12月在江南大学从事博士后研究工作,现为bwin必赢(中国)唯一官方网站-(中国)、碳中和专任教师。主要从事土壤污染物环境效应和污染修复方面的研究工作。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和博士后面上项目各一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目面上项目的研究工作。已在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Environmental Pollution》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》等国内外知名刊物上发表学术论文20余篇。



2. 73批中国博士后面上项目,2023M731332,蚯蚓对(根际)土壤中纳塑料环境行为和作物吸收的影响研究,2023-2024,主持。







1..Wang, J., Zhang, X., Li, X., Wang, Z*., 2023. Exposure pathways, environmental processes and risks of micro (nano) plastics to crops and feasible control strategies in agricultural regions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 459, 132269.

2. Wang, J., Shi, L., Zhang, X., Zhao, X., Zhong, K., Wang, S., Zou, J., Shen, Z., Chen, Y*., 2019. Earthworm activities weaken the immobilizing effect of biochar as amendment for metal polluted soils. Science of The Total Environment, 696, 133729.

3. Wang, J., Shi, L., Liu, J., Deng, J., Zou, J., Zhang, X., Shen, Z., Chen, Y*., 2023.Earthworm-mediated nitrification and gut digestive processes facilitate the remobilization of biochar-immobilized heavy metals. Environmental Pollution, 322, 121219.

4. Wang, J., Shi, L., Zhai, L., Zhang, H., Wang, S., Zou, J., Shen, Z., Lian, C., Chen, Y*., 2021. Analysis of the long-term effectiveness of biochar immobilization remediation on heavy metal contaminated soil and the potential environmental factors weakening the remediation effect: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 207, 111261.(ESI高被引论文)

5. Wang, J., Deng, J., Chen, Z., Zhang, L., Shi, L., Zhang, X., Shen, Z., Chen, Y*., 2023. Effects of biochar on earthworms during remediation of potentially toxic elements contaminated soils. Chemosphere, 338, 139487.

6. Wang, J., Liu, J., Chang, L., Pan, Y., Zhai, L., Shen, Z., Shen, Z., Shi, L., Chen, Y*., 2023. The characteristic difference between non-drilosphere and drilosphere-aged biochar: Revealing that earthworms accelerate the aging of biochar. Chemosphere, 321, 138141.

7. Wang, J., Wang, X., Li, J., Zhang, H., Xia, Y., Chen, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y*., 2018. Several newly discovered Mo-enriched plants with a focus on Macleaya cordata. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(26), 26493-26503.

8. Wang, J., Liu, J., Zhou, J., Chang, L., Shen, Z., Shi, L., Chen, Y*., 2022. Rhizosphere Effect on Physicochemical Properties and Immobilization Performance of Biochar. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(11), 1-14.

9. Song, W#.,Wang, J#., Zhai, L., Ge, L., Hao, S., Shi, L., Lian, C., Chen, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y*., 2022. A meta-analysis about the accumulation of heavy metals uptake by Sedum alfredii and Sedum plumbizincicola in contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 24(7), 744-752


10. Zhao, X., Elcin, E., He, L., Vithanage, M., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Wang, S., Deng, Y., Niazi, N., Shaheen, S., Wang, H., Wang, Z., 2023. Using biochar for the treatment of continuous cropping obstacle of herbal remedies: A review. Applied Soil Ecology, 105127.

11. Zhang, X., Jiang, M., He, L., Niazi, N.K., Vithanage, M., Li, B., Wang, J., Abdelrahman, H., Antoniadis, V., Rinklebe, J., Wang, Z., Shaheen, S.M., 2023. Pandemic COVID-19 ends but soil pollution increases: Impacts and a new approach for risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment. 15, 164070.

12. Dong, M., He, L., Jiang, M., Zhu, Y., Wang, J., Gustave, W., Wang, S., Deng, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., 2023. Biochar for the Removal of Emerging Pollutants from Aquatic Systems: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1679.

13. Xia, S., Wang, J., Chen, Z., Lan, H., Shen, Z., Shi, L., Chen, Y., 2022. Foliar application of several reagents reduces Cd concentration in wheat grains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(12), 17150-17161.

14. Yang, Y., Xia, S., Li, J., Zhong, K., Wang, J., Shi, L., Chen, Y., 2022. Screening of foliar barrier agents and reduces the absorption and transport of Cd in wheat. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 108(2), 372-378.

15. Fu, L., Zhang, L., Dong, P., Wang, J., Shi, L., Lian, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y., 2021. Remediation of copper-contaminated soils using Tagetes patula L., earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 24, 1-13.

16. Wang, S., Wang, J., Li, J., Hou, Y., Shi, L., Lian, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y., 2021. Evaluation of biogas production potential of trace element-contaminated plants via anaerobic digestion. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, 111598.

17. Liu, B., Wang, S., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Shen, Z., Shi, L., Chen, Y., 2020. The great potential for phytoremediation of abandoned tailings pond using ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris. Science of the Total Environment, 719, 137475.

18. Wang, S., Zhang, L., Jiang, M., Wang, J., Xia, F., Shi, L., Xia, Y., Chen, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y., 2020. Cyclic and safety utilisation of Cu polluted biogas residue in saline-alkali soil. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135410.

19. Wang, C., Wang, J., Wang, X., Xia, Y., Chen, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y., 2017. Proteomic analysis on roots of Oenothera glazioviana under copper-stress conditions. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-12.

20. Shi, L., Wang, J., Liu, B., Nara, K., Lian, C., Shen, Z., Chen, Y. (2017). Ectomycorrhizal fungi reduce the light compensation point and promote carbon fixation of Pinus thunbergii seedlings to adapt to shade environments. Mycorrhiza, 27(8), 823-830.

21. Li, S., Wang, J., Gao, N., Liu, L., Chen, Y., 2017. The effects of Pantoea sp. Y4-4 on alfalfa in the remediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soil and auxiliary impacts of plant residues on the remediation of saline alkali soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 63(4), 278-286.

22.温祝桂,王杰,汤阳泽,史良,洪立洲,沈振国,陈亚华., 2017.外生菌根真菌彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius)辅助植物修复重金属Cu污染土壤的应用潜力.生物技术通报, 33(4), 149. (北大核心,CSCD).







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