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【发布时间:2020-09-28 16:38:28  点击量:

徐林,1986年12月生,博士,讲师。2010年获黄山学院林学学士学位,2013年获浙江农林大学森林经理学硕士学位,2019年获浙江农林大学竹资源与高效利用博士学位。2019年7月起为bwin必赢(中国)唯一官方网站-(中国)教师。研究兴趣主要为森林可持续经营、森林碳汇计量监测以及森林生态价值实现机制等方向研究。近年来,参与国家自然科学基金、中央财政科技推广项目、中国绿色碳汇基金会项目等4项,第一作者或合作作者发表一级期刊以上论文10余篇,其中《Forest Ecology and Management》、《Plant and soil》、《Science of total Environment》等SCI一区TOP或二区TOP论文6篇。获浙江省科技兴林奖一等奖、梁希林业科学技术奖二等奖、梁希青年论文奖二等奖等奖项。




3.中央财政林业科技推广示范项目:竹林固碳减排综合经营技术推广示范〔2017〕TS 07,2017-2020,参与



1. Jiayang Yin, Zhipeng Ge, Xu Deng, YongjunShi,Lin Xu, Guomo Zhou, Abandonment lead to structural degradation andchanges in carbonallocation patterns in Moso bamboo forests.Forest Ecologyand Management,449 (2019) 117449.

2. Lei Gu, Weiguang Wu, Wei Ji, Mengjie Zhou,LinXu,Weiqing Zhu, Evaluating the performance of bamboo forests managed forcarbonsequestration and other co-benefits in Suichang and Anji, China.Forest Policy and Economics, 106 (2019) 101947.

3.Lin Xu, Yongjun Shi,Guomo Zhou, Xiaojun Xu, Enbing Liu, Yufeng Zhou, Feng Zhang, Chong Li, HuiyunFang, Liang Chen. Structural development and carbon dynamics of Moso bambooforests in Zhejiang Province, China.Forest Ecology and Management409(2018) 479–488.

4.Lin Xu, Yongjun Shi,Huiyun Fang, Guomo Zhou, Xiaojun Xu, Yufeng Zhou, Jixing Tao, Biyong Ji, JunXu, Chong Li, Liang Chen. Vegetation carbon stocks driven by canopy density andforest age in subtropical forest ecosystems.Science of the Total Environment 631–632 (2018) 619–626.

5. Yongjun Shi,Lin Xu, Yufeng Zhou,Biyong Ji, Guomo Zhou, Huiyun Fang, Jiayang Yin, Xu Deng. Quantifying drivingfactors of vegetation carbon stocks of Moso bamboo forests using machinelearning algorithm combined with structural equation model.Forest Ecologyand Management429 (2018) 406–413.

6.Lin Xu, Yongjun Shi, GuomoZhou, Xiaojun Xu, Enbing Liu, Yufeng Zhou, Chong Li, Huiyun Fang, Xu Deng.Temporal Change in Aboveground Culms Carbon Stocks in the Moso Bamboo Forestsand Its Driving Factors in Zhejiang Province, China.Forests, 2017, 8,371.

7. Huiyun Fang, Biyong Ji, Xu Deng, JiayangYing, Guomo Zhou, Yongjun Shi,Lin Xu, Jixing Tao, Yufeng Zhou, ChongLi, Hao Zheng. Effects of topographic factors and aboveground vegetation carbonstocks on soil organic carbon in Moso bamboo forests.Plant and soil(2018) 433:363–376.

8. Lei Gu, Yufeng Zhou, Tingting Mei, GuomoZhou andLin Xu, Carbon Footprint Analysis of Bamboo ScrimberFlooring—Implications for Carbon Sequestration of Bamboo Forests and ItsProducts.Forests, 2019,10(1), 51. (SCI 2区,IF 1.956)

9. Yufeng Zhou, Guomo Zhou, Huaqiang Du,Yongjun Shi, Fangjie Mao, Yuli Liu,Lin Xu, Xuejian Li, Xiaojun Xu,Biotic and abiotic influences on monthly variation in carbon fluxes in on-yearand off-year Moso bamboo forest.Tress, 2018.

10. YuliLiu, Guomo Zhou, Huaqiang Du, Frank Berninger, Fangjie Mao, Xuejian Li, LiangChen, Lu Cui, Yangguang Li, Di'en Zhu,Lin Xu. Response of carbon uptaketo abiotic and biotic drivers in an intensively managed Lei bamboo forest,Journalof Environmental Management223 (2018) 713–722.

11. ChongLi, Yongjun Shi, Guomo Zhou, Yufeng Zhou,Lin Xu, Liang Tong, Xiang Liu.Effects of different management approaches on soil carbon dynamics in Mosobamboo forest ecosystems.Catena169 (2018) 59–68.  



1. 博士研究生国家奖学,2018年11月;

2. 第十八届浙江省科技兴林奖一等奖,浙江省林业厅/林学会,2018年5月,排名7/11;

3. 第九届梁希林业科学进步奖二等奖,国家林业和草原局/中国林学会,2018年7月,排名7/11;

4. 第七届梁希青年论文奖二等奖,中国林学会,2018年6月,排名1。






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