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【发布时间:2019-03-07 18:25:06  点击量:

梁鹏,男,1983年08月生,教授,博士生导师。香港浸会大学博士,中国科学院地球化学研究所博士后。农业环境保护硕士点负责人。主要从事汞元素的环境地球化学循环过程、污染场地生态修复等研究。主持及参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技部支撑计划、浙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、浙江省重点科技创新团队等项目,在Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of Total Environment, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Marine Pollution Bulletin等期刊发表SCI收录文章20余篇。















1. Zhang J, Wu SC, Xu ZT, Wang MY, Man YB, Peter Christie,Liang P*, Shan SD, Wong MH. 2019. The role of sewage sludge biochar in methylmercury formation and accumulation in rice. Chemosphere. 218: 527-533

2. Zhang C, Wu SC, Zhang J, Peter Christie, Wong MH,Liang P*. 2019. Soil Mercury Accumulation and Emissions in a Bamboo Forest in a Compact Fluorescent Lamp Manufacturing Area.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Accepted;

3.Liang P*, Wu SC, Zhang C, Xu JL, Peter Christie, Zhang J, Cao YC. 2018. The role of antibiotics in mercury methylation in marine sediments.Journalof Hazardous Materials . 360: 1-5;

4.Liang P, Feng XB, You QZ, Gao XF, Xu JL, Wong MH, Peter Christie, Wu SC. 2017. The effects of aquaculture on mercury distribution, changingspeciation, and bioaccumulation in a reservoir ecosystem.Environmental Science and PollutionResearch . 24: 25923-25932;

5.Liang P,Gao XF, You QZ, Zhang J, Cao YC, Zhang C, Wong MH, Wu SC. 2016. Role of mariculture in the loading and speciation of mercury at the coast of the East China Sea.Environmental Pollution. 218: 1037-1044.

6.Liang P, Feng XB, You QZ, Zhang J, Cao YC, Leung AOW, Wu SC. 2016: Mercury speciation, distribution, and bioaccumulation in a river catchment impacted by compact fluorescent lamp manufactures.EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research . 23: 10903-10910.

7.Liang P, Wu SC, Zhang J, Cao YC, Yu S, Wong MH. 2016: The effects of mariculture on heavy metal distribution in sediments and cultured fish around the Pearl River Delta region, south China.Chemosphere, 148:171-177.

8.Liang P, Feng XB, Zhang C, Zhang J, Cao YC, You QZ, Leung AOW, Wong MH, Wu SC. 2015: Human exposure to mercury in a compact fluorescent lamp manufacturing area: By food (rice and fish) consumption and occupational exposure,Environmental Pollution, 198:126-132;

9.Liang P, Yang YK, Zhang C, Wang DY. 2014: A simulation study of mercury release fluxes from soils in wet-dry rotation environment.Journal of Environmental Sciences. 26, 1442-1452.

10.Liang P, Qin YY, Zhang C, Zhang J, Cao YC, Wu SC, Wong CKC, Wong MH. 2013. Plasma mercury levels in Hong Kong residents: In relation to fish consumption.Science of The Total Environment. 463-464, 1225-1229;

11.Liang P, Lam CL, Cheng Z, Wang HS, Shi JB, Wu SC, Wang WX, Zhang J, Wang HL, Wong MH. 2013. Formation and distribution of methylmercury in sediments at a mariculture site: a mesocosm study.Journal of Soils andSediments . 13, 1301-1308;

12.Liang P, Li YC, Zhang C, Wu SC, Cui HJ, Yu S, Wong MH. 2013: Effects of salinity and humic acid on the sorption of Hg on Fe and Mn hydroxides.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 244-245, 322-328;


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