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第一作者 通讯作者 论文题目 期刊名称 时间 SCI分区 近3年影响因子
肖继波 褚淑祎 An  Eco-tank system containing microbes and different aquatic plant species for  the bioremediation of N,N-dimethylformamide polluted river waters Journal  of Hazardous Materials 2016 1 4.565
金俊伟 张进 Influence  of pyrolysis temperature on properties and environmental safety of heavy  metals in biochars derived from municipal sewage sludge Journal  of Hazardous Materials 2016 1 4.565
徐小军 周国模 A  method for daily global solar radiation estimation from two Energy 2016 1 4.432
翁觅离 翁觅离 Electrochemical  oxidation of reverse osmosis concentrate using a novel electrode: Parameter  optimization and kinetics study Desalination 2016 1 4.043
陈俊辉 潘根兴 Change  in active microbial community structure, abundance and carbon cycling in an  acid rice paddy soil with the addition of biochar European  Journal of Soil Science 2016 1 2.82
梁鹏 吴胜春 Role  of mariculture in the loading and speciation of mercury at the coast of the  East China Sea Environmental  Pollution 2016 2 4.295
陈俊辉 徐秋芳 Response  of microbial community structure and function to short-term biochar amendment  in an intensively managed bamboo (Phyllostachys praecox) plantation soil:  Effect of particle size and addition rate Science  of the Total Environment 2016 2 3.746
李松 柳丹 Cadmium-induced  oxidative stress and responses of antioxidants and speciation of  intracellular cadmium in organs of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)  seedlings Chemosphere 2016 2 3.512
梁鹏 俞慎,黄铭洪 The  effects of mariculture on heavy metal distribution in sediments and cultured  fish around the Pearl River Delta region, south China chemosphere 2016 2 3.512
何丽芝 王海龙 biochar  reduces the bioavailability of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in soil Chemosphere 2016 2 3.512
张小凯 王海龙 Effect  of aging process on adsorption of diethyl phthalate in soils amended with  bamboo biochar Chemosphere 2016 2 3.512
赵盼盼 陆灯盛 Forest  aboveground biomass estimation in Zhejiang Province using the integration of  Landsat TM and ALOS PALSAR data International  Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2016 2 3.269
赵盼盼 陆灯盛 Examining  Spectral Reflectance Saturation in Landsat Imagery and Corresponding  Solutions to Improve Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Remote  sensing 2016 2 2.946
奚祯苑 陆灯盛 Detection  of drought-induced hickory disturbances in western Lin An County, China,  using multitemporal Landsat imagery Remote  sensing 2016 2 2.946
李龙伟 陆灯盛 Examining  Urban Impervious Surface Distribution and Its Dynamic Change in Hangzhou  Metropolitan Remote  sensing 2016 2 2.946
陈奇 陆灯盛 Modeling  and Mapping Agroforestry Aboveground Biomass in the Brazilian Amazon Using  Airborne Lidar Data Remote  sensing 2016 2 2.946
陆灯盛 陆灯盛 A  survey of remote sensing-based aboveground biomass estimation methods in  forest ecosystems International  Journal of Digital Earth 2016 2 2.755
陈永刚 陈永刚 A  new method of tree structure for analysing nested watershed shape Geomorphology 2016 2 2.725
李建武 朊黎 Sr–Nd  elements and isotopes as tracers of dust input in a tropical soil  chronosequence GEODERMA 2016 2 2.712
梁辰飞 Jorge  Paz-Ferreiro Biochar  from pruning residues as a soil amendment: Effects of pyrolysis temperature  and particle size Soil  and Tillage Research 2016 2 2.635
傅伟军 赵科理 Outlier  identification of soil phosphorus and its implication for spatial structure  modeling Precision  Agriculture 2016 2 1.871
晏闻博 柳丹 Spatial  distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals in the farmland along  mineral product transportation routes in Zhejiang, China Soil  Use and Management 2016 2 1.752
徐小军 徐小军 Eddy  covariance analysis of the implications of drought on the carbon fluxes of  Moso bamboo forest in southeastern China trees-structure  and function 2016 2 1.742
陈永刚 陈永刚 A  New DEM Generalization Method Based on Watershed and Tree Structure. Plos  One 2016 3 3.275
毛方杰 周国模 Development  of the BIOME-BGC model for the simulation of managed Moso bamboo forest  ecosystems Journal  of Environmental Management 2016 3 3.014
滕江南 姜培坤 Spatial  distribution and variability of carbon storage in different sympodial bamboo  species in China Journal  of Environmental Management 2016 3 3.014
应雨骐 姜培坤 PhytOC  stock in forest litter in subtropical forests: Effects of parentmaterial and  forest type Ecological  Engineering 2016 3 2.787
陈俊任 柳丹 Organic  acid compounds in root exudation of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and  its bioactivity as affected by heavy metals Environ  Sci Pollut Res 2016 3 2.782
吴蔚东 王海龙 Influence  of pyrolysis temperature on lead immobilization by chemically modified  coconut fiber-derived biochars in aqueous environments Environmental  Science and Pollution Research 2016 3 2.782
项婷婷 姜培坤 Sympodial  bamboo species differ in carbon bio-sequestrationand stocks within phytoliths  of leaf litters and living leaves Environmental  Science and Pollution Research 2016 3 2.782
梁鹏 吴胜春 Mercury  speciation, distribution and bioaccumulation in a river catchment impacted by  compact fluorescent lamp manufactures Environmental  Science and Pollution Research 2016 3 2.782
王海龙 王海龙 Contaminated  Land, Ecological Assessment, and Remediation Conference Series (CLEAR 2014):  environmental remediation with advanced materials Environmental  Science and Pollution Research 2016 3 2.782
杨兴 王海龙 Effect  of biochar on the extractability of heavymetals (Cd, Cu, Pb,and Zn) and  enzyme activity in soil Environmental  Science and Pollution Research 2016 3 2.782
高智群 傅伟军 Potentially  hazardous metals contamination in soil-rice system and it's spatial variation  in Shengzhou City, China Journal  of Geochemical Exploration 2016 3 2.442
张进 王海龙 Land  use affects soil organic carbon of paddy soils: empirical evidence from 6280  years BP to present Journal  of Soils and Sediments 2016 3 2.151
张晓东 宋照亮 The  impact of different forest types on phytolith-occluded carbon accumulation in  subtropical forest soils Journal  of Soils and Sediments 2016 3 2.151
陈振德 陈永刚 An  Algorithm to Extract More Accurate Slopes From DEMs IEEE  Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters 2016 3 2.044
谷成燕 杜华强 Global  sensitivity analysis of PROSAIL model parameters when simulating Moso bamboo  forest canopy reflectance International  Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 3 1.55
李龙伟 陆灯盛 Mapping  population density distribution at multiple scales in Zhejiang Province using  Landsat Thematic Mapper and census data International  Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 3 1.55
Chi Zhang 陆灯盛 Mapping  the land-cover distribution in arid and  semiarid urban landscapes with Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery International  Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 3 1.55
戴启洲 翁觅离 A  review of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) pollution in indoor air  environment JOURNAL  OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2016 4 1.375
徐小军 徐小军 Method  for improvement of MODIS leaf area index products based on pixel-to-pixel  correlations European  Journal of Remote Sensing 2016 4 1.16
曹玉成 Energy  Recovery from Sewage Sludge Rocznik  Ochrona Środowiska 2016 4 0.685




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