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【发布时间:2019-03-21 10:54:30  点击量:

第一作者 通讯作者 论文题目 期刊名称 时间 SCI分区 近3年影响因子
李桂英 李桂英 MAPPING  LAND SUITABILITY FOR AGRICULTURE IN MALAWI land  degradation & development 2017 1 7.01
金俊伟 张进 Cumulative  effects of bamboo sawdust addition on pyrolysis of sewage sludge: Biochar  properties and environmental risk from metals Bioresource  Technology 2017 1 5.02
李雪建 杜华强 Assimilating  leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from  MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and  PROSAIL model ISPRS  JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING 2017 1 4.57
李永春 徐秋芳 Linking  soil fungal community structure and function to soil organic carbon chemical  composition in intensively managed subtropical bamboo forests SOIL  BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 2017 1 4.31
毛方杰 周国模 Coupled  LAI assimilation and BEPS model for analyzing the spatiotemporal pattern and  heterogeneity of carbon fluxes of the bamboo forest in Zhejiang Province,  China AGRICULTURAL  AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2017 1 4.04
李永春 杨云锋 Bamboo  invasion of broadleaf forests altered soil fungal community closely linked to  changes in soil organic C chemical composition and mineral N production PLANT  AND SOIL 2017 1 2.99
秦华 徐秋芳 Bamboo  forest expansion increases soil organic carbon through its effect on soil  arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community and abundance PLANT  AND SOIL 2017 1 2.99
毛方杰 周国模 Optimizing  selective cutting strategies for maximum carbon stocks and yield of Moso  bamboo forest using BIOME-BGC model JOURNAL  OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2017 2 3.29
陆扣萍 王海龙 Effect  of bamboo and rice straw biochars on the mobility and redistribution of heavy  metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in contaminated soil JOURNAL  OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2017 2 3.29
钟斌 柳丹 Effect  of lead (Pb) on antioxidation system and accumulation ability of Moso bamboo  (Phyllostachys pubescens) Ecotoxicology  & Environmental Safety 2017 2 3.21
王亚杰 陆灯盛 Mapping  Torreya Grandis spatial distribution using high spatial resolution satellite  imagery with the expert rules based approach remote  sensing 2017 2 3.15
刘姗姗 陆灯盛 Examining  Forest Disturbance and Recovery in the Subtropical Forest Region of Zhejiang  Province Using Landsat Time-Series Data remote  sensing 2017 2 3.15
毛方杰 杜华强 Comparison  of Two Data Assimilation Methods for Improving MODIS LAI Time Series for  Bamboo Forests REMOTE  SENSING 2017 2 3.15
冯云云 陆灯盛 Examining  Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Change of Urban Land Covers in the Brazilian  Amazon Using Multitemporal Multisensor High Spatial Resolution Satellite  Imagery remote  sensing 2017 2 3.15
郭伟 陆灯盛 Improving  Fractional Impervious Surface Mapping Performance through Combination of  DMSP-OLS and MODIS NDVI Data remote  sensing 2017 2 3.15
秦华 徐秋芳 Intensive  management decreases soil aggregation and changes the abundance and community  compositions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys  pubescens) forests FOREST  ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2017 2 2.85
冯云云 陆灯盛 Examining  effective use of data sources and modeling algorithms for improving biomass  estimation in a moist tropical forest of the Brazilian Amazon International  Journal of Digital Earth 2017 2 2.78
Fang, Xianghua 傅伟军 Forest-type  shift and subsequent intensive management affected soil organic carbon and  microbial community in southeastern China EUROPEAN  JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 2017 2 2.05
杨兴 王海龙 Bioavailability  of Cd and Zn in soils treated with biochars derived from tobacco stalk and  dead pigs JOURNAL  OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2017 3 2.29
Yang Xiaobo 王海龙 Effect  of Eucalyptus forests on understory vegetation and soil quality JOURNAL  OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2017 3 2.29
杨兴 盛奎川 Thermal  properties of biochars derived from waste biomass generated by agricultural  and forestry sectors Energies 2017 3 2.14
施拥军 徐小军 Estimation  of gross primary production in Moso bamboo forest based on light-use  efficiency derived from MODIS reflectance data International  journal of remote sensing 2017 3 1.67
施拥军 周国模 Temporal  Change in Aboveground Culms Carbon Stocks in the Moso Bamboo Forests and Its  Driving Factors in Zhejiang Province, China FORESTS 2017 3 1.66
项佳娥 徐丽华 Modeling  Urban PM2.5 Concentration by Combining Regression Models and Spectral  Unmixing Analysis in a Region of East China WATER  AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 2017 4 1.6
Ma, Tianwu 陈永刚 DEM  generalization with profile simplification in four directions EARTH  SCIENCE INFORMATICS 2017 4 1.25
杜华强 Ma,  Yue Distribution  and trend in the thermal growing season in China during 1961-2015 PHYSICAL  GEOGRAPHY 2017 4 0.82
杨萌 李永夫 Effects  of Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers on Soil CO2 Efflux and Labile Organic  Carbon Pools in an Intensively Managed Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)  Plantation in Subtropical China COMMUNICATIONS  IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS 2017 4 0.5



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